

Tuesday 2 April 2019

New OGRE Units Almost Done

So this is part of what I have been trying to finish off. Six Combine Heavyy Tanks, a pair of Superheavies, and a trio/battery of Mobile Howitzers.

All painted to be part of the 301st Armoured, 1st Battalion. Heavy Tanks in Number 1 Company, Super heavy in Number 3 Company, and SP howitzers in Number 6 Company. I may one day fill in Number 2 Company with more Heavy and Number 4 Company with Light Tanks. Number 5 Company is Mechanized Infantry, of course. And that makes a nice Combined Arms Battalion design. It would be kinda cool to field an organized battalion.

Visit By Head Of Games Design At TT-Games - Arthur Parsons

We are very lucky to welcome Arthur Parsons to our Games Design studio at UCLan this week.
Arthur is Head of Games Design at TT_Games and as such, it's so amazing that he takes time to visit our course and speak directly and openly with our students.
Arthur gave a great presentation about the criteria involved in designing and making a Lego game and offering a broad insight into the workings of the industry in terms of producing and marketing a game.
It's great to have the chance to speak with experienced industry experts such as Arthur.
His warmth and enthusiasm always motivate our students so much and encourage them to work hard and develop their passion for games design.


Monday 1 April 2019

Cha'alt Kickstarter Struggling

In case you can't watch the video, here's a brief summary (actually, just read it.  I expanded upon some things)...

Yeah, things could be going better.  That's ok.  I'm still plugging away, and so are a few of my fanatical supporters who want to see Venger Satanis and Cha'alt succeed!

I don't make safe, normal, pedestrian, commercial D&D (or any RPG content).  Nor am I trying to out-shock anyone with super edgy, controversial on-purpose stuff. If you think a little T&A on the cover is over-the-top, then I can't help you.  My writing occasionally comes across as weird or uncomfortable because I'm just being me.  Sure, I keep the audience in mind, but at the end of the day, I'm creating content for myself. 

Check out Prince of Nothing's blog post.  It's insightful.  Plus, there was a really nice comment at the end that I want to quote, "Venger Satanis does crazy stuff and when people complain, he doesn't apologize... he fights."

That will stick with me, no matter what.  That is what's important.  Even if Cha'alt is stillborn, I have a feeling it'll live on... Maybe it'll be one of those time-capsule near-misses of history like Jodorowsky's Dune.  Almost got made; unfortunately, the stars just weren't right.  But man, that would have been fucking awesome!

Obviously, I don't have a huge fan-base.  The only crowd I cater to is the one that loves raw, fun, authentic gaming.  Nevertheless, it would be cool to have help getting the word out about Cha'alt - only 19 days before the KS is over!  We have a loooong ways to go.



p.s. Almost finished with maps 2 and 3.  Will blog about that tomorrow.